MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland
MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland
MSTS - Halycon Auf der Marschbahn nach Westerland
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This MS Train Sim - AddOn deals with THE North German route par excellence: The Marschbahn! In this add-on, drive the alternating double-track and single-track stretch of almost 100km from Husum...

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€ 14,95
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This MS Train Sim - AddOn deals with THE North German route par excellence: The Marschbahn!
In this add-on, drive the alternating double-track and single-track stretch of almost 100km from Husum through the Geest, the flat marshland and diked Köge to Westerland on Sylt.
Choose between the well-known DB series 218 double-traction trains or the modern NOB march train trains.
Of course, the Sylt shuttle is also there, with which masses of cars full of holiday-ready people are brought to the island and back - as is well known, there is no road to Sylt.
Or maybe you would rather take the LINT over the almost 50km long dreamy single-track branch line from Husum via the Eiderstedt peninsula to Bad St. Peter-Ording?
Simply set up the infrastructural connection between the two famous seaside resorts!
Both routes show a high level of detail and realism, so all objects were built in the typical Frisian style, all stations were given individual, photorealistic platforms and reception buildings.
The dense and varied road network is provided with the necessary road safety through signage, typical street lamps and traffic lights. Delineator posts line the wide avenues, sewage is properly disposed of through the subsoil. The typical drainage ditches of the marshland and hedgerows (kinks) of the Geest are reflected.
In sunny bathing weather, you too can ride the overcrowded passenger trains over the Hindenburgdamm to the island, past the newfangled wind farms. Or leave the demand stops in the agricultural deserted area to the left - everything is possible with this add-on: On the march to Westerland.
The new Reloaded version of the popular MS Train Sim AddOn contains the current version including all updates and the DBTracks extension as a special accessory. This makes the track systems even more realistic and increases the degree of reality many times over.
The following rolling stock is included:
DB Regio (regional train Schleswig-Holstein):
DB BR 218
DB ABnrz 417
DB Bnrz 446
DB Bnrz 724
DB Bnrdzf 477 (control car controlled and pulled)
Bonus: many vehicles in the livery of the 90s
DB long-distance traffic:
DB 218
DB ARkimbz 266 (Ex IR Bistro)
DB Avmz 109
DB Apmz 121
DB Bimz 264 (Ex IR)
DB Bimdz 268 (Ex IR)
DB Bpmz 294
DB Bpmbdzf 296 (control car controlled and pulled)
DB Bpmbz 295
DB Bpmbkz 294
DB Bvmsz 186
DB WRmz 134 (IC dining car)
Bonus: many vehicles in the livery of the 90s
DB Autozug (Syltshuttle):
2 x DB BR 215.9
DB Bomd 277
DB DD 991
DB DD 992
3 x NOB Lint41H
4 x NOB MaK DE 2700 (Ex Dispolok ME 26 Ex NSB Di 6)
NOB ABpma (MBZ connection car)
NOB Bpmbdfa (MBZ control car controlled and pulled)
NOB Bpmdz (MBZ supplementary vehicle)
NOB Bpmdza (MBZ supply vehicle)
The included DBTracks upgrade offers:
Extended vegetation
Standard track systems are exchanged for the DBTracks version
Distant "mountains" have been adjusted
Some small corrections / optimizations
System requirement
Installed full version Microsoft Train Simulator
Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Pentium 4 / 2.0 GHz or comparable (more powerful recommended)
1024 MB main memory, more recommended (for DBTracks at least 2048 MB)
3D graphics card with at least 256 MB graphics memory
Sound card
1.0 GB free hard disk space
keyboard and mouse
Download zip archive 620 MB

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