Simtrain Gotthard route PlusPack 1
Simtrain Gotthard route PlusPack 1
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Simtrain Gotthard route PlusPack 1

Product number


€ 6,75
Price per unit

Stock : 12

The number of Credit points granted for this product is 6
Gottardo 2016 - Anniversary Package
Tasks and rolling stock for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel:

For the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel, an anniversary package will be prepared for the MSTS routes Gotthard 1, Gotthard 2 and Zurich-Olten, which includes rolling stock and tasks. In any case, the Re 460 098-7 with the Gottardo 2016 advertisement is part of it.

The "white" Gottardo 2016 rolling stock:

Re 420

Re 460

SBB EW IV A Gottardo
SBB panorama car Gottardo

Gottardo Hbbillns
Gottardo Uacs

The tasks:

- Anniversary train Lok Re 460/2 A / 6 Panowagen / 2 A
- J01 - Anniversary train Zurich-Baden-Aarau - Olten (- Lucerne-Gotthard-Locarno)
- J11 - Continuation Lucerne Sea Line - Erstfeld - Gotthard (- Locarno)
- J21 - Forsetzung Gotthard - Bellinzona - Locarno

- Freight train with Re 4/4 ", white sliding wall and tank wagons
- J02 - Jubi freight train RBL (Limmattal) to Däniken
- J22 - Jubi Freight Train Luino to Gotthard Tunnel (- First Time)
- J12 - Jubilee Freight Train (Luino -) Gotthard to Erstfeld (continuation J22)

- Theme: Normal freight trains encounter special trains Gottardo 2016
- J03 - Post Office Däniken (PTT) to Mülligen (PTT)
- J13 - HUPAC_Autotransport Arth-Goldau - Gotthard (- Lugano Vedeggio)
- J23 - HUPAC_Autotransport Forts. (Arth G.) Gotthard - Lugano Vedeggio

- S-Bahns cross special trains Gottardo 2016
- J04 - S-Bahn Aarau - Lenzburg - Zurich
- J14 - S-Bahn train from Zug to Erstfeld
- J24 - S-Bahn Tilo Bellinzona - Cadenazzo - Luino

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